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32oz noodle box - FSC Mix - printed kraft-look - Biopak

32oz noodle box - FSC Mix - printed kraft-look  - Biopak
BioBoard Noodle Boxes are sustainably sourced and made from FSC� certified paper board. They are lined with Ingeo�, a bioplastic product made from plants not oil. This noodle box is printed kraft-look

Product size: 80mm L x 68mm W x 100mm H
Pieces per carton: 500
Pieces per sleeve: 50
Carton size: 74cm L x 29.5cm W x 52cm H
Carton total weight: 17.3kg
Paper from FSC� certified paper
Ingeo bioplastic lining made by USA-based Natureworks
NZ$ 231.12 excluding GST
NZ$ 265.79 including GST
Price for 3+:
NZ$ 226.50 per Carton 500
Price for 5+:
NZ$ 219.56 per Carton 500
NZ$ 6.00
Carton 500
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Purchases can be made on-line using Visa or Mastercard through Windcave (you do not need an account), or direct debit. If you are a business and would like to open an account please download an account application form and send back to us.  

Freight is charged by weight and carton size, indicitive costs per carton are: Auckland $7.20, Whangarei to Hamilton $10.50, North Island $14.00, South Island $16.00 + GST, Rural charges are extra.